Types of Evidence You Can Use for Disability Benefits

Various Types of Evidence You Can Use for Disability Benefits

One of the most important determining factors for disability benefits eligibility is evidence. A lack of evidence is what most commonly results in denied disability benefits applications. You might be able to gain control of this by finding out what types of evidence you can submit for disability benefits. Talking to an experienced Wilmington disability attorney may speed up this process.


The two types of disability benefits evidence are medical evidence and non-medical evidence. Medical evidence has the strongest impact on increasing your eligibility for disability benefits. Non-medical evidence can be used to support your need for disability benefits in various ways.

Medical evidence must come from what the Social Security Administration (SSA) deems acceptable medical sources. These acceptable medical sources are usually licensed health professionals. This includes medical doctors, mental health professionals, speech-language pathologists, and other licensed professionals in the medical field.

Objective medical evidence often looks like lab test results, medical reports, medical records, and clinical findings. The more medical documentation you can provide for your disability, the better. Do not hesitate to request written statements from your doctor about how your disability impacts daily functioning and work performance.

Non-medical evidence can come from almost any other source than medical professionals. Common examples of non-medical sources are educational staff, family members, employers, social workers, and yourself. These sources can provide written documentation about ways your disability affects your daily functioning.


A multitude of other ways exist for improving your disability claim. Meeting the basic disability benefits eligibility requirements is the first step. The SSA eligibility criteria require you to have a physical or mental disability that hinders work performance. This disability must last at least one year or lead to an early death.

You can improve your chances by cooperating with how the SSA evaluates your disability claim. This means answering questions, following through on their requests, and submitting any requested information. Part of this may involve undergoing a consultative examination by a professional chosen by the SSA.

A consultative exam could improve your chances by providing more medical evidence for your disability claim. You might be able to speed up this process by seeing a specialist who specializes in treating your specific disability. Doing this before applying for disability benefits may provide the specific evidence needed by the SSA for your condition.
